Editing for Fiction and Nonfiction Books
Do any of these scenarios sound like where you stand with your manuscript right now?
- You're looking for a fresh perspective on the plot, characters, and other elements.
- You’re worried about how to edit your prose so the manuscript meets the recommended word count for its genre yet the writing still "sounds like you."
- Your book is almost ready for publication, and you need someone to catch spelling, punctuation, or typographical errors.
I can help with all of this, while staying true to your creative vision and unique voice. Because what's important to you about your project matters to me, too!

I work in American English, and my editing services focus on these genres:
- Speculative fiction (especially fantasy, mythological retellings, magical realism, and science fiction)
- Literary fiction
- YA fiction, including YA fantasy and YA contemporary fiction
- Memoir
- Self-help and personal development nonfiction
- Business books
- Creative nonfiction
I typically work on novel-length manuscripts. But if you've got a great short story or essay collection, an individual short story or essay, or a hybrid collection (e.g., poetry and memoir) that falls under these genres? I love working on those, too!
And if you're curious about which themes I'm experienced with as an editor? Or which topics I'm most EXCITED about? Well, if your manuscript touches on any of the following, chances are it'll be a good fit:
- Grief and loss
- Trauma recovery
- Family stories (including loss of a child and miscarriage)
- Spirituality and spiritual growth
- Mental health
- Holistic health and wellness
- Creativity and/or the craft of writing
- Travel stories (especially international travel)
- Music
- The natural world, including the environmental crisis
Here are the editing services I offer. If your project involves two or more rounds of work (e.g., manuscript critique followed by a line edit, line edit followed by a copy edit), I can offer a combo package of all the services you're considering as a discounted rate.
Please note that while I don't list my rates here, I'll be happy to discuss them with you privately. That being said, if your manuscript is about 80,000 words long, expect an estimate between US $2,800 and US $3,200 depending on the service(s) you're interested in.
Developmental Editing
Pricing varies depending on manuscript length and amount of time needed. I'll provide an estimate upon completion of a sample edit.
I’ll read your manuscript and evaluate its “nuts and bolts”: plot, characters, worldbuilding (if applicable), structure, pacing, and any specific areas of concern you want addressed. Then I'll perform a deep-dive structural edit of the manuscript based on my findings and write an editorial letter that summarizes these edits and other big-picture feedback based on our agreed-upon scope of work.
Depending on what I find as part of the developmental edit, I may also perform light line editing to demonstrate potential improvements to the manuscript's prose.
This service includes:
- Two (2) pass-throughs in a single round of structural/big-picture editing (and, in some cases, light line editing).
- Three copies of your manuscript in MS Word: one containing tracked changes and comments, a clean copy of the edited version containing only comments, and (as a courtesy) your original manuscript.
- An editorial report in letter format that covers the project's strengths, areas of improvement, questions to consider, and suggestions for revising the project.
- AS NEEDED: Addenda to the report, such as a scene grid (for fiction), a timeline (for memoir), etc. that's appropriate for your project
- OPTIONAL: A 1-hour follow-up call (phone or webcall) within 2 weeks of project completion to discuss any questions you have.
Manuscript Critique
Pricing varies depending on manuscript length and amount of time needed. I'll provide an estimate upon completion of a sample edit.
I’ll read your manuscript and evaluate its “nuts and bolts”: plot, characters, worldbuilding (if applicable), structure, pacing, and any specific areas of concern you want to see addressed. Then I’ll write an editorial letter with big-picture feedback on the manuscript’s strengths and suggestions for areas that could use improvement. In a manuscript critique, I make no changes to the manuscript itself.
This service includes:
- An editorial report in letter format that covers the project's strengths, areas of improvement, questions to consider, and suggestions for revising the project.
- AS NEEDED: Addenda to the report, such as a scene grid (for fiction), a timeline (for memoir), etc. that's appropriate for your project
- OPTIONAL: A 1-hour follow-up call (phone or webcall) within 2 weeks of project completion to discuss any questions you have.
Outline Critique
Pricing varies depending on outline length and amount of time needed. Outline must be at least 18 pages (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or similar font) in MS Word or Adobe PDF.
Got a detailed outline for your story but haven't started writing the first draft yet? I can review your outline to ensure the story's structure is solid, each scene has a purpose, and the main character(s) show a potential for growth or change. Like with a manuscript critique, I make no changes to the outline itself.
This service includes:
- An editorial report in letter format with feedback on the story's plot, character development, and other big-picture questions or concerns you have.
- A chapter/scene grid that shows how well your story aligns with the Hero's Journey (character arc) and/or the traditional three-act story structure.
- OPTIONAL: A 1-hour follow-up call (phone or webcall) within 2 weeks of project completion to discuss any questions you have.
First 50 Pages Critique
Pricing varies depending on the amount of time needed. The manuscript excerpt must be formatted according to industry standards (1-inch margins, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman) in MS Word or Adobe PDF.
This is a shorter, budget-friendly alternative to a full manuscript critique. I'll review the first fifty (50) pages of your manuscript**, then write an editorial letter that explains which aspects of the story work well, which ones need strengthening, and what to look out for as you revise the rest of the manuscript. Like with a full manuscript critique, I make no changes to the first fifty pages.
**Per industry standards for formatting manuscripts, this is equivalent to the first 12,500 words.
This service includes:
- An editorial report in letter format with feedback on the story's plot, characters, pacing, worldbuilding (if applicable), setting, etc. so far, as well as what to watch out for beyond the the first fifty pages.
- OPTIONAL: A 1-hour follow-up call (phone or webcall) within 2 weeks of project completion to discuss any questions you have.
Line Editing
Pricing varies depending on manuscript length and amount of time needed. I'll provide an estimate upon completion of a sample edit.
I’ll mark up your manuscript and suggest ways of strengthening your prose. This can include improving flow, voice, concision, and word choice; addressing grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage issues; and ensuring your manuscript conforms to industry standards.
This service includes:
- Two (2) pass-throughs in a single round of editing.
- Three copies of your manuscript in MS Word: one containing tracked changes and comments, a clean copy of the edited version containing only comments, and (as a courtesy) your original manuscript.
- UPON REQUEST: A custom style sheet that lists names, special spellings, and other standardized terms that appear in your manuscript.
- OPTIONAL: A 1-hour follow-up call (phone or webcall) within 2 weeks of project completion to discuss any questions you have.
Copy Editing
Pricing varies depending on manuscript length and amount of time needed. I'll provide an estimate upon completion of a sample edit.
Like a line edit, a copy edit addresses your language, but it's less in-depth. I’ll mark up your manuscript to address grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage issues; catch any typos; and ensure your manuscript conforms to industry standards.
This service includes:
- Two (2) pass-throughs in a single round of editing.
- Three copies of your manuscript in MS Word: one containing tracked changes and comments, a clean copy of the edited version containing only comments, and (as a courtesy) your original manuscript.
- UPON REQUEST: a custom style sheet that lists names, special spellings, and other standardized terms that appear in your manuscript.
- OPTIONAL: A 1-hour follow-up call (phone or webcall) within 2 weeks of project completion to discuss any questions you have.
Do any of these services sound like what you're looking for?
Great! Send me an email or book your free consultation call now. Make sure you share with me your manuscript’s title, genre, target age group, word/page count, and project deadline. I'm happy to provide a free sample edit of a 2,000-word excerpt of your manuscript and/or (upon request) other samples of my work.
You can also check out what other writers have said about working with me at the Testimonials page.

"But Why Should I Work with a Freelance Editor? And What About Beta-Readers?"
Beta-readers can be helpful to an extent. Some will take the critique seriously and pick up on a manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses. But other beta-readers will only tell you what’s not working with the story. Still others may be afraid of hurting your feelings and will only give compliments. And some may not respond at all.
With a freelance editor, you’ll receive thorough, insightful, balanced feedback from someone who’s professionally trained to analyze stories and improve the flow of your writing. Even better, you and your work will be treated with respect and compassion, and you’ll receive feedback within an agreed-upon timeframe.
In other words, a freelance editor is 100 percent committed to helping you make your manuscript something you can be proud of. That’s what you’ll get when you work with me.
“What If I Edit the Manuscript on My Own? That Would Save Money, Right?”
Well, yes. But that would take time and energy away from your writing. Plus, how confident do you feel in your ability to spot typos, spelling errors, and errant commas or periods?
Freelance editors don’t just know the basics of editing. We love absorbing plots and realistic characters. We eat, sleep, and breathe proper grammar and punctuation. We study all things writing-related for fun. We know our stuff, and we use that knowledge to sculpt and polish manuscripts while our clients work on their next projects. Not a bad deal, right?
Plus, thousands upon thousands of new books are published every year. When one isn't properly edited, readers take notice – and they often won’t buy that author’s books again.
But I'm willing to bet you want to be taken seriously as an author. You want your books to be well-crafted as well as stylistically and grammatically correct. If this matters to you, then it's worthwhile to invest in a freelance editor. Your readership will be thrilled with the final product – and so will you.

“How Do I Know If You’re the Right Editor for My Work?”
It starts with an email, and then a conversation. Yes, I’ll be providing critical feedback on your manuscript, but I don’t want you to be scared of me or anxious about the process. So through our emails and the call that follows, we’ll get to know each other a little more, make sure we’re on the same page (no pun intended) about your project, and see what kind of rapport we can develop.
Ultimately, we won’t know if we’ll work well together until we go through these exchanges. But let me be clear: I’m not here to heartlessly rip your work apart. Instead, I’m here to help you make your manuscript as strong, compelling, and editorially sound as possible. Whether I’m praising you for what you’ve done well or suggesting how to improve other areas, I'll always treat you and your writing with the fairness and care you deserve.