Find Your Voice Power Hour

Writing a book but aren't sure what kind of voice you want for it?
Maybe one of these scenarios sounds familiar to you:
- You're writing your first book, and you have NO idea how to write it in a way that "sounds like" you.
- You know who your book's target audience is, but you're unsure of whether your writing style will attract the right readers or unintentionally put them off.
- You've read books like yours that have already been published, and you're concerned about how yours will stand out in the market.
- You keep hearing the term "voice" in discussions about writing, and it's so new to you that you wonder if your writing even has a voice.
Here's some good news: You do have a writing voice, even if you're not sure what it is or what influences it. So let me help you get a stronger grasp on what voice is and how it allows you to uniquely express yourself when you write. That way, your book and other writing projects will sound like . . . well, like YOU wrote them!
Find Your Voice Power Hour:
For Fiction, Memoir, and Nonfiction Writers
US $349, one-time payment when you schedule
During this 90-minute (2 hours maximum, if needed) Zoom call, we'll discuss your book idea and the unique qualities that help define a writer's writing style. Together, we'll complete the brainstorming and writing exercises in my Find Your Voice Worksheet using Google Docs so you can gain clarity about the type of voice that will fit your project and your unique style as a writer. This will consist of the following:
- Clarify your book's target audience and what you know about them
- Develop an awareness of how you want your readers to view you
- Define your tastes in writing style (aka what you like and dislike) based on books and authors you've read
- Gain a stronger understanding of how you express yourself, both verbally and in writing
- Identify the unique stylistic choices that fit your personality, your writing, and your book
- Create a custom "mission statement" about your writing voice
You'll also receive a copy of the Find Your Voice Worksheet and related notes after the session ends. That way, you can refer to your voice "mission statement" and the other insights we discovered at anytime during your book-writing journey.
And in case you missed the important info above: The Find Your Voice Power Hour is great for both fiction and nonfiction writers! The questions will vary depending on the genre you're writing in. So no matter if you're working a literary magical realism novel, a character-driven YA story, a memoir based on your personal experiences, or a self-help book connected to your business, this one-time coaching session will be tailored to your current project. All you need is a manuscript in progress (or a book idea you're ready to embark on), the desire to finally know what your writing voice "sounds like," and the courage to ask for an expert's guidance.
Does this sound like what you need to help you ensure your writing sounds like you?
Then let's book your Find Your Voice Power Hour now!
"But Why Do I Need to Know What My Writing Voice 'Sounds Like'?"
Think of it from this perspective: Your voice is your way of making your book as interesting, entertaining, or relatable as possible with your readers. It's also your way of being yourself on the page, no matter what genre you're writing in.
If you were to simply write your book and pay no attention to your voice, you might find later on that the writing is . . . well, not what you expected. Maybe it's too descriptive for your tastes, or too quick-to-the-point. Too formal, or too casual. Maybe it has no personality. Or maybe it steps "out of character" sometimes and uses words you NEVER use when you talk about the book's subject matter with someone.
That's not what you want happening with your writing, right?

You want your writing to be as engaging as the story you're telling or the information you're sharing.
You want it to have personality (preferably your personality!).
You want to draw upon the vocabulary and stylistic choices you use regularly and feel comfortable using.
And guess what? The Find Your Voice Power Hour can help you define all of this and more. So when you log off from our session, you'll come away from it knowing what your authentic writing voice "sounds like" and how to aim for it consistently.

"That Makes Sense, . . . But Couldn't I Do This All on My Own?"
In all fairness? Yes, you could. But for many writers, it takes a long time for them to find their writing voice . . . or to understand what voice truly is.
For some writers, this can mean YEARS of writing, revising, and honing their writing without a firm grasp on their voice. They may even set aside a writing project permanently to move on to something different, all because they can't pin down the voice they want for their story or how to deliver their memoir or nonfiction book in a way that's genuine and authentic to them.
But you don't want to give up on your writing project over one craft element. Right? Your book deserves to be shared with the rest of the world and make its unique mark on readers. So if voice is your big struggling point right, let me help you through the Find Your Voice Power Hour.
With a book coach's expertise and support, you’ll feel more confident about how to express yourself in your writing and understand how your voice will draw your ideal readers deeper into your work and keep them reading. And I will never tell you how you should write your book or what your voice should "sound like." Rather, I will guide you in the direction that 's right for you so that, by the end of the session, you believe you've found a writing voice that fits YOU and no one else.
So let's hone your voice together, shall we?
Ready to discover your writing voice with me?
Then schedule your Find Your Voice Power Hour now.