Heart of the Story's Immutable Laws

Curious to know what Heart of the Story's values are?
Then you've come to the right place! The only difference is that I call them by a different name: Immutable Laws.
Never heard of Immutable Laws before? No problem. Let me tell you more about what they are and how they're connected to Heart of the Story's values. (Hint: Knowing your values helps you figure out your Immutable Laws. *wink*)
What exactly are Immutable Laws?
Immutable Laws is a concept introduced by Mike Michalowski in his book The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. (Yes, I know the title sounds a little crass. But this is one of my FAVORITE business books, so I highly recommend visiting Mike's website to learn more about it.) He defines Immutable Laws as "the rules of your life." It combines a person's or business's core values with their ethical standards, best practices, and personal beliefs, revealing their sense of what's right and wrong or what makes them happy and what doesn't.
So when you read Heart of the Story's Immutable Laws in a moment, you'll learn how I operate as a business owner and as a person. You'll learn how I conduct myself with my past and current authors, prospective clients, colleagues and business partners, and even friends and family. That's because these Immutable Laws are about what matters to me, what makes me (and my authors) happy, and what inspires me to do the work I do.
And if you want to learn more about Immutable Laws, visit Mike's blog to read the article "What Are Your Immutable Laws?".
So here they are: Heart of the Story's Immutable Laws!
- Giving You What You Deserve: As an editor and writing coach, I don’t just deliver on my promises. I’ll perform my work for each client thoroughly, constructively, and respectfully.
- Whistling While I Work: I love what I do, and I enjoy every minute of it. What could be more fun than helping authors, poets, and other writers get their books and other projects out into the world? Or empowering them to be the bravest, most authentic creator they’ve always wanted to be? Nothing, as far as I’m concerned.
- Telling It Straight (and with Compassion): I strive to be honest and genuine with the writers I work with. This means mentoring them on not only developing a soundly crafted, engaging book (or other piece(s) of writing) that their readers will enjoy, but also being more confident about themselves and their work, clear about their vision, and committed to reaching The End. This also means treating each writer with compassion and integrity so they know they can trust me with their writing—and themselves.
- Creating Magic: I believe that writing—and helping other writers—is my way of contributing to the world. I also believe that writing is an extremely powerful tool that can help people discover more about themselves, achieve goals and dreams, and lead to immeasurable (and invaluable) personal growth and change. This is what I call Magic. And this is why I run my New Moon Journaling Circles: so that participants can experience this Magic.
- Celebrating the Awesomeness: I’m not just an editor, coach, and writing workshop instructor. I’m also a cheerleader of sorts. (In fact, I view my role as a literary coach as part mentor, part cheerleader.) So no matter the capacity in which I’m working for a writer, I celebrate their successes and breakthroughs with them and offer boosts of confidence or reassurance when needed.
- Nurturing a Mutual Commitment: I enjoy working with writers who are excited about their ideas, driven to work hard and get things done, open to suggestions and constructive feedback, vulnerable with me when they need to be, and respectful of other people’s time. Oddly enough, this is how I am with my writing and with life in general. So if a writer and I reciprocate these behaviors and attitudes, our partnership is bound to be fruitful, meaningful, and successful.
Do Heart of the Story's Immutable Laws align with the help you're looking for with your writing?
If you're seeking a book editor or writing coach, and you said to yourself, "Wow! That's exactly the kind of mentor I need for my writing" while reading my Immutable Laws, then let's chat! Head over to the Contact page to learn how you can email me, or schedule a consultation call about your writing project.
And if you want to learn more about Heart of the Story's mission, vision, community, and other essential aspects, you can read the latest version of the Heart of the Story Prosperity Plan.
Interested in working with me?
Select which services you want to learn more about before getting in touch with me.
Are you a poet who's looking for help with your manuscript? Or with exploring your craft further? Check out my poetry offerings here.
Here you'll find information about my editing options for fiction and nonfiction and how you can hire me for your next project.
What does a writing coach do? And how can one help you with your craft? I go into all of that here.